
by her beauty中文什么意思

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  • 你已被她的美貌所折服
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  1. He was hypnotized by her beauty .
  2. I was thrilled by her beauty .
  3. He was bewitched by her beauty .
  4. The egyptian was intoxicated and subdued by her grace even more than by her beauty .
  5. She stood out among the students by her beauty


        her:    pron. 1.〔she 的宾格〕她。 2.〔 she ...
        beauty:    n. 1.美,美丽,漂亮 (opp. ugliness) ...
        he is dazzled by her beauty:    她的美貌让他神魂颠倒
        her beauty captured him:    她的美貌迷住了他
        her beauty is of the italian type:    她的美是意大利型的; 园艺师培育了玫瑰的一个新品种
        her envious beauty:    云想衣裳花想容
        the beauty of her soul:    她的心灵之美
        the celestial beauty of her voice:    她歌喉之美如闻天籁
        her beauty charmed everyone at the party:    她的美貌迷住了所有参加晚会的人
        her beauty surpasses all description:    她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度
        a beauty:    红颜
        beauty:    n. 1.美,美丽,漂亮 (opp. ugliness); 美感。 2.〔the beauty〕 〔集合词〕美丽的人们; 〔a beauty〕 美人,佳人。 3.美好的东西[事物],美景,美貌〔俗语中常作反语用〕。 4.美点,妙处。 5.〔 pl. 〕 名句集,佳句集。 6.【原子能】美夸克〔衰变前可持续存在十万亿分之一秒左右的一种粒子〕。 She is beauty itself. 她美透了。 That's the beauty of it. 这就是它的妙处[优点]。 a society beauty 交际花。 the wits and beauty of the town 城中的才子佳人。 Beauty is but skin-deep. 美貌只是外表,人不可以貌相。 the beauties of nature 大自然的美景。 She is a regular beauty. 她真是漂亮得吓人。 Well, you are a beauty, you've lost me the game. 好,你真能干,能干得输给我了〔反语〕。 Come along, my beauties! (亲密地对人或动物,尤其是狗或马)来,来,一块儿来。
        of beauty:    论美; 美丽; 品美
        on beauty:    论美
        her:    pron. 1.〔she 的宾格〕她。 2.〔 she 的所有格〕她的。 3.〔古、诗〕〔作反身代名词用〕= herself. 4.〔口语〕〔作表语用〕= she. Give it to her. 把这个给她。 I am sorry about her leaving. 我对她的离去很感遗憾。 It's her, sure enough. 一定是她。 Her sister sews better than her. 她姐姐缝衣服的手艺比她高。 She sat her down by the fire. 她在炉火旁边坐下。 her indoors 〔英国〕(控制了丈夫的)内当家。
        her t:    也里(赫拉特)
        beauty is truth truth beauty:    但金钱更有权威; 美丽是有力量的
        beauty parlor ( beauty sho):    美容室
        a beauty asleep:    睡美人
        a beauty of style:    美学上较常用的术语; 形式美
        a charming beauty:    蕙心纨质
        a love beauty:    野花哪有家花香
        a paragon of beauty:    绝世之姿
        abnormal beauty:    见鬼3
        active beauty:    动美


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  5. by heart (=by memory) 什么意思
  6. by herry wadsworth longfellow 什么意思
  7. by himself 什么意思
  8. by hook 什么意思
  9. by hook or by crook 什么意思
  10. by hook or crook 什么意思


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